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SEO – The Basics of Online Marketing

A well-engineered SEO process will optimize your work on search engines, will help you grow in the online environment.

In the same time you can produce blog articles that are appreciated by everyone and are beneficial to search engines. You will then be able realize the most important steps for achieving a powerful and effective SEO process.

• The SEO plug-in should help guide you when writing and when you plan to promote your services, products, or just a blog article. So the first step would be to follow the directions and tips received.
• Another important step is to look for the right Keywords. With these keywords you will optimize your article title, content, images and links.
The main keyword that we will use for promotion must necessarily be found in the title.
Also, the title should not contain more than 60 characters and be present only once in your site.
• The length of the article is very important too, it would be recommended to contain over 500 words. And the main keyword to be repeated over 5 times. There must be content and images, videos and subtitles in your article. To make it easier to follow by viewers.
• Created articles can be optimized by introducing friendly URLs and Meta-Descriptions (Meta-description is the brief description that appears on Google as a result of a search. It must contain the keyword.)

Following these basic steps, you can begin your adventure in making special SEO articles for your website.

Good luck!

Personal Data Protection – GDPR

The General Regulation on Data Protection is about to be adopted in Romania this year in May. All companies will necessarily have to integrate computer systems for storing and processing personal data.

This type of regulation ensures the right of individuals to receive accurate information on how and for what their personal data will be used. In fact, the document also states that these data can be portable, namely the possibility that one person can transfer all the data to another operator, thus giving him more control over how this data is processed and used.

Some of the GDPR specialists’ measures are:

  • To encrypt all information.
  • To provide a system that will quickly make available al the personal data and to access it as quickly possible in case of any event.
  • To develop a module for periodic testing, assessment and evaluation of technical and organizational systems.

All companies will:

  • Organize a specially constructed structure for GDPR
  • Need the approval of data subjects for data processing
  • Have to make egular returns to the individuals in question for information and verification, and very important to obtain a new agreement from them.
  • Have to name a person responsible for data protection management.